
Travis Smith Ceiling Tile painting 
"This Place Will Grow"


Travis Smith -Ceiling Fan Blades painting.

Art Club students 
preparing for the Halloween and Fall Festival 2014

 Haley Kersey, Tyler Snyder, Lizzy Campbell

 Emma Williams and Alexandria Benard

 Ryan Kirschner painting game sign

 Travis Smith and Tyler Chapman building
 Ooey Goey Gross Guts 

 Morgan Dubich painting 
Operation Zombie Background

 Katelyn Yalacki stitching eyes for operation zombie

Alexandria Benard and Taylor Cassidy painting game signs.
Avella Art Club at California University 
for AWE (art and writing expo) 2014

Art Club at California University for AWE

  Haley Kersey, Lizzy Campbell, Emma Williams

Ryan Kirschner and Taylor Cassidy 
making metal and glass jewelry
Ryan Kirschner melting the glass on copper.
Tyler Snyder- Give Thanks wooden sign
Avella Eagles 


Halloween & Fall Festival
Thursday, October 23. 5-7pm
High School Cafeteria.

Come join us for an amazing Halloween and Fall Festival. Lots of games, candy, prizes, music, costume contest, Fall crafts table, food station, chinese auction, door prize, and lots of fun. 

Chinese Auction Tickets: 3/$1.00 or 20/$5.00
Game Tickets: 4/$1.00 or 25/$5.00

Costume Categories

Prettiest Princess
Most creative
cutest Toddler
Most Heroic (super hero or american hero)


Katelyn Yalacki
3D Design


Travis Smith's painting


Sunnie Liggett with her painting of a tiger


MadFest 2014 WLU
Animator and producer of Jimmy Neutron, and Back at the Barnyard

Left to right: Travis Smith, Kately yalacki, Tyler Chapman, Mitch Olsen, Hannah Kersey, Mike Gassaway
Left to Right: Ms. Miller, Katelyn Yalacki, Tyler Chapman, Travis Smith, Mike Gasaway, Mitch Olsen, Hannah Kersey, Tyler Snyder

Left to Right: Tex Fulton, Alayne Johnson, Morgan Dubich, Mitch Olsen, Hannah jKersey, Joe Wells, Tyler Snyder, Katelyn Yalacki, Tyler Chapman, Jacob Dana, Travis Smith

Left to Right: Morgan Dubich, Travis Smith, Taylor Cassidy,Hannah Kersey, Tex, Fulton, Mitch Olsen, Tyler Chapman, Katelyn Yalacki, Joe Wells, Tyler Snyder
Front: Alayne Johnson, Jimmie Carroll


Painting created by Brianne Morgan


 Morgan Dubich Mixed Media
 (ebony pencil & Prismacolor Pencil)
 "Gary the Lizard"

 Maria Vilotti 
Prismacolor Pencil
"Russian Nesting Dolls"

Photography by Roman Spataro (8th grade)

Photography by Mason  Boni (8th Grade)

Comic Art by Mason Boni (8th Grade)