
Double Linoleum- Maryann Post

Prisma Color Pencil Drawing- Amber Scott

Sadie Gorby-Digital imaging

Negative Night

Icy Visions


Register for Scholastic Art and Writing

The scholastic art and writing awards is a respectable and prestigious competition to honor students in grades 7-12 who are great at writing and/or art. To register click on the link that says, "Register for art and writing". You must have an email address to register and the email must not be of another student who is also registering. Be sure to check with Ms. Miller prior to registering your work. If you have any questions, I will be happy to help you.


Jessica Robinson Photography

Be sure to check out more of Jessica's Photography in the Link section.


Michael Cutlip- Digital Photography/ Computer Art

Michael uses his own photographic eye to capture local images and transform them into advanced works of art. Michael edits his photos by using a digital imaging program. He spends a large amount of time focusing on the final image and what appeals to the eye. Michael brings his own unique style and interests to his work. Enjoy more work from Michael by clicking on his link labeled "Michael Cutlip Art". Enjoy!!

Michael Cutlip


Drawing Class- Prisma color drawings

Amber Scott prisma color drawing

Troy Midler Prisma color drawing

Andrea Chase Prisma color drawing


Open House Success

The art club would like to personally say Thankyou for such a great success during the open house craft sale. Thank You!!


Drawing & Media

Maryann Post showing off her prismacolor drawing


Drawing and Media Class

Cody Kagle working on prismacolor Drawing

John Kirschner working on drawing

Mixed Media Class- Abstract Painting

Derek Perrin- Abstract Painting

Jake Dunlap- Abstract Painting

Emanuel Paris- Abstract Painting


Printmaking Class

Maryann Post working on her Cardboard Print.

Mixed Media Class- Cubism Collage

Lee Willhoft with his cubism collage

Cubism Collage- Daren Perrin

Cubism Collage Emanuel Paris

Cubism Collage- Lee Willhoft

Cubism Collage- Amber Scott


Polly Clarchick posing with her prismacolor drawing.

Polly Clarchick working on her sunflower sculpture.

Mixed Media Cubism Collage

Cody and Lee work on their Cubism Collage in Mixed Media Class. Nice Work Guys!!