
Jesse Smith mixed media paintings 

Annie Paradise,  ebony pencil drawing 

  • Becca Thorpe,  prismacolor  drawing 

Katie Smitsky painting 

8th grade printmaking  Noah, Adam, Tristan 

8th grade printmaking Avery,  Karine, Abigail 

Senior independent studies  Brittany,  Jesse, shelby

Printmaking Lilly and Ehryka with ehryka's stencil work



Apply for membership to Avella's Chapter of National Art Honor Society.  


Makayla  Romanetti  cricut craft

Annie Paradise  drawing 

T-Roy stencil

Reilly's stencil

Becca Thorpe tile painting 

Logan Carter tile painting 

Abby Boggs tile painting 

Ehryka Jones stencil spraypainting 

Leif Cooper stencil  spraypainting 

Reilly Ullom stencil  spraypainting 

Photography  worms eye 

Lilly Tropeck glitch Photography 

Makayla rathell digital  art

Lilly Tropeck  and Ehryka  multiplicity  Photography 

Maria and Kady Photography 

Jeremiah Photography 

Eddie Photography 

Panorama  trick photography 

Rowyn Scott  record painting 

KennaKat record painting 

Makayla rathell digital art

Abby Boggs bottle lamp 

Jesse Smith  painting 

Homecoming  A

T-roy, Makaykay,  Annie, Mickie, Miller, Bo-nana,  Lilly, Bob, Erka 

Ehryka and bo-nana




Anna, Meia, Kenna, Tommy, Rowyn 

Back left: Logan, Kenna, Faith,  Rowyn,  Annemarie,  Gadget
Front left: Annie,  Katie, Abby,  Becca, Melissa,  Lilly,  Brittany,  Ehryka, Kayak, T-roy, Bo-nana,  Timmy, Reilly, Mickie,  Makaykay 



Annie and Katie, historians 

Annie and Makaykay 

Annemarie and Gadget 

Faith, Rowyn,  KennaKat 


Photography class 

Tommy and KennaKat 

Rowyn  and  Anna

Faith saw painting 


Rowyn Scott drawing 

Broden and Brian 

Reilly and T-roy